Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posing Blahhhhhhhhhh.

Okay, so I know my show is super far off in the distance, BUT, I'm already starting to practice posing because from what I've heard, it makes a HUGE difference in judging.  And knowing me, I'm gonna be so mother frickin scared and shaky that I want the LAST thing I have to worry about to be my posing.  I need to have that crap down like it's second nature so when I'm up there about to pee my pants with shaky limbs and a bright red face and blotchy neck that are covered up by my tan, those steps and movements will just do it FOR me.  I won't even have to think about it. 

I spent a good chunk of today video'ing myself so I can see what I look like and know what I want to fix, change, correct, etc.  The problem isssss, I can't take a dadgum thing seriously.  ESPECIALLY trying to be all sexy and stuff.  I really try.  I do. But I can't.  It's so hard for me to be serious.  And even worse, when I'm nervous or sad or embarrassed, I get even MORE ridiculous.  So it was quite the party up in my house today.  

I put together a compilation video of all the outtakes that I thought you'd enjoy.  A couple things I need to say about the video:

1.  I'm no professional video'r maker person so don't judge the quality.  

2.  Because of #1, the sound in the first clip is really low, but then after that it's really HIGH, so beware of blowing the speakers off of your device if you turn that first part up high enough to hear what I'm saying.  

3.  I have really white skin.  I'm like see through right now.  No, I'm not wearing tall white socks, that is REALLY my neon white skin.  It doesn't help that I'm in front of a window and it makes it even worse.  I hate winter.  I need a tan so bad.  Shut your face, Brenda.

4.  The turning page transitions between each clip always reminds me of my dad's video's he used to make when I was a kid.  He was always so proud of that page turning transition and how "professional" it made his home videos look.  So don't judge those either.  I'm being nostalgic.  

5.  I know someone will ask, SO, the three big kids are all at piano.  Isaak is running around with some Japanese kids that he doesn't understand but still hangs out with so he can use their scooter, somewhere outside, and Gus is just behind that couch playing Xbox as you can plainly see.

6.  Booty.  That deserves it's own number.

7.  No makeup/greasy hair.

8.  PLEASE remember that I am no where NEAR competition ready so I'm fluffy in areas that shouldn't be fluffy for a bikini show.  I'm just trying to get movements down right now.  Not focusing on how the bod looks during those movements just yet.

9.  The very last clip is actually at the gym after my beastly shoulder/chest workout so I have a nice pump I'm sporting and I think it helped me to really rock the face off that last try.  I'm pretty proud of that one.  Except I almost fall over at one point.  And my arms are too long so I'm getting those trimmed soon.    

10.  I really don't have any other comments to make I just hate ending with 9.  

Peace out.

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