Sunday, January 11, 2015

And so it begins.

It's been about 2 weeks since I started this journey and so far it's been pretty smooth.  I remember from my last 12 week program with Julia that the hardest part was the first 2-3 weeks.  Having to break your sugar cravings and headaches?  BLAH.  This two weeks was a lot easier and I'm assuming it had a lot to do with having been through it before.  

I'm not going to lie though, having to make dinner for my kids each night and watch them eat things I wish I could devour isn't the most fun thing in the world.  I've tried to make things a little easier on me though by making 2-3 of their meals be exactly what I'm eating except they can add ketchup or bbq sauce or have bread with it.  It does help.  

My husband is on a similar eating plan as me, so at least I have his support.  His isn't as strict though and I like to tease him a lot and call him shortcut Shawn, always justifying goodies and junk.  His favorite line is, "It fits my macros!!"  He's such a turd.

So Julia has given me a 12 week workout plan for now and she built my diet around macros.  I have 5 meals a day which usually consist of a protein, a healthy carb (rice, sweet potato), and a fat.  I have 5 lifting days, but the last two weekends, I've been going for a 6th on Saturday to just do whatever I want and throw weights around with my hot Lover.  Those days are my favorite :)  This Saturday I hit a 20lb PR on my deadlift lifting 260lbs!  

 Okay.  SO FAR, here is my progress.  This is my starting front and back.  I know, I know, it's not as tight as it was back in November but HEY, the holidays happened.  Gimme a break, people.  

And after 2 1/2 weeks...

I definitely lost all the bloat from the nastiness of the holidays.  And do you like my beautiful bruises/blisters on my shoulders from the stupid bar while I squat?  Maybe I shouldn't wear a tank top anymore.  Lesson learned.  Now remember that this period of time (these next several months) are not really a losing weight period, but more of a building muscle period. I have A LOT of work to do as you can see.  Yikes.  Do I even have ONE single muscle?  I don't think so.  It's bad, y'all.  LOTS AND LOTS of work ahead of me. 

There WAS a day this last week that I got a major pump from my workout and I had to be totally douche baggy and take a bathroom selfie.  When I posted it, my Lover saw it and said, "OH GREAT.  You start training for a show and now you're gonna be posting pictures of yourself flexing in the bathroom?"  uhhh YEAH.   

Welp.  Homeschool is back on tomorrow with it being Sunday night and I have lots of work to do to prep the week so I'm out until next week.  Think of me as I sit at the table to sniff and stare at these oooey gooey extremely incredibly delicious chocolate chocolate chip cookies that are calling my name and are begging for me to eat like 28 of them.  Dad gum kids can't even finish all the cookies when I tell them to!!  Jerks.  Woe is me.


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